
The Independent Living and Carers’ Partnership Enquiry Line and Information Service 020 7346 6800 – managed by Age UK Lambeth – provides a comprehensive information and advice service, including form-filling, on a wide range of subjects of importance to disabled people, older people and carers, including benefits, pensions, health and disability, transport and mobility and housing. You can also email info@ageuklambeth. The service also delivers weekly advice surgeries in five locations around the borough

Disability Advice Service Lambeth (DASL) provides a range of services for disabled people including people with mental health problems, and including advice casework

A list of useful advice and information services for disabled people produced by DASL

Mosaic Clubhouse provides a range of services including the Living Well Information Hub, which is the main information drop-in for people with mental health issues

Lambeth Mencap – support services for adults with learning disabilities and their families

Transport for All can undertake individual casework on travel benefits/services for disabled and older people

SELVis (South East London Vision) information and peer support for visually impaired people

RAD (Royal Association for Deaf People) – provides a weekly advice and guidance surgery, particularly for BSL users, at 336 Brixton Road

Lambeth and Southwark MIND provides the main information service to people with mental health issues. As well as their telephone enquiry service, their on-line directory of services has up-to-date details of many services available locally

Solidarity in a Crisis is a peer support service for people experiencing mental health crisis. Available at times most services aren’t
