Serving the community since 1966


A vibrant and inclusive Lambeth, where all members of the community have the confidence and skills necessary to navigate the challenges and difficulties that may appear in their lives


We empower local people to address the inequalities they experience and to achieve their economic, educational and social potential

We do this by acting as a force for good through our own range of services, by lobbying for change, and by working collaboratively with socially responsible partners to improve our local community together


Human: people have unique and complex stories. We take the time to listen and understand before we give advice

Responsive: we adapt to changes in policy and the law so that our advice and support is as helpful as it can be

Practical: our advice and support helps people solve difficult challenges in the most appropriate way

Enabling: we help people and the organisations that support them develop their skills and knowledge so that they’re equipped to solve their own problems and the problems of their communities

Client-focused: our priorities are determined by the real needs of the people we serve

Collaborative: we work with anyone who shares our vision and helps make change happen for communities and the people within them

Non-judgmental: we focus on giving the right advice rather than judging the person who needs it

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